Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Why Music Education Should Be in Schools

shoâ€Å"Music majors are the most likely group of college grads to be admitted to medical school. Physician and biologist Lewis Thomas studied the  undergraduate  majors of medical school applicants. He found that 66 percent of music majors who applied to med school were admitted, the highest percentage of any group. For comparison, (44 percent) of biochemistry majors were admitted. Also, a study of 7,500 university students revealed that music majors scored the highest reading scores among all majors including English, biology, chemistry and math†.Sources: â€Å"The Comparative Academic Abilities of Students in  Education  and in Other Areas of a Multi-focus University,† Peter H. Wood, ERIC Document No. ED327480†³The Case for Music in the Schools,† Phi Delta Kappan, February, 1994 Percentage of Americans who believe: * Music is a part of a well-rounded education 95% * Music is an activity that a child can enjoy all his/her life 98% * Learning a musi cal instrument helps students perform better in other subjects 92% * Music brings the family together 90% School band is a good way for young people to develop teamwork skills 97% * Schools should offer music as a part of the regular curriculum 93% * Music gives children a sense of accomplishment 95% * Music helps teach children discipline 92% * Music helps instill an appreciation of arts and culture 96% The U. S. spends more money than any other country in the world per student on education yet does not have the numbers to show it. Japan and Netherlands though put requirements on every single student to be a part of music enriching class through most of primary school

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Response to Peter Singer’s Speech

Peter Singer’s speech on a solution to world poverty made a lot of good points concerning how to help those in need. He states that most people can afford to help starving children and that people are turning their backs on the needy. Where he fails though, is in actually providing a solution that will hold up over time. His focus on guilting those more fortunate into action and then guiding them to give $200 is no solution, but a call to give to those less fortunate instead of fixing the problem for good. In his speech he gives examples to try to guilt those listening into giving charitably. He sites a book by NYU philosopher Peter Unger, titled, â€Å"Living High and Letting Die†. He goes on to paraphrase an example from the book that he thinks gives a great example towards American’s lack of charitable giving. His example is about a man named Bob who is nearly retired and has invested most of his savings into a rare and valuable old car. He has a lot of pride in the car and he enjoys taking care of it. He also enjoys that its rising value means he will always be able to sell it and live comfortably. He is out one day for a drive one day and park the car along some railroad tracks and goes for a walk along the tracks. As he is walking he sees that a runaway train with no one aboard is headed for a small child farther down the track. The child is too far to warn of the danger and will be killed unless Bob throws a switch to put the train on the siding where his beloved car is parked. Throwing the switch will destroy his car and therefore his long time investment. Thinking of his joy in owning the car and the financial security it represents, Bob decides not to throw the switch and the child is killed. He uses this example comparatively to how the average American reacts to charitable giving. He labels them as cruel people who choose their own livelihood over the lives of dying children, which is unfair. Commonly, those not giving are not looking into the eyes of a dying child but rather into a scary world where finances are always unsettling. In my personal experience guilting someone into doing something is the worst way to evoke passion for action. Forcing someone to do something is not nearly as effective as creating a want to do something. Over time guilt tripping makes the action lose steam while making someone want to do something can create a passion that lasts for a long time. Let me follow Singers lead here and provide an example. Suppose that you would like to have your friend go to a new sushi restaurant with you. Would it be smarter to guilt him into going by using something against him to make him go, or would it be smarter to talk about how good the atmosphere and food is? Obviously it is much smarter to talk up the restaurant instead of sending your friend on a guilt trip. The guilt trip may only make your friend go once but making the friend want to go will result in many visits to the restaurant. Creating a passion is the best way to call people to action and singer failed to do this. Instead, he should have used a more indirect method like talking about the benefits and contentedness that one can receive from charitable donation and selling them on the concept Another spot where his speech falls short is in providing a plausible solution to world poverty. Having everyone with disposable income give $200 to help feed hungry children solves none of the problems having to do with poor villages not being able to support their people. In the article, â€Å"We can end global poverty†¦Ã¢â‚¬  the author describes a plan laid out by David Cameron that includes over 10 steps to end global poverty by 2030. Including such ideas as going green, going for growth, good government, and global partnership. The final report comes after 8 months of consultation with more than 5,000 public groups across 120 different countries. Citizens, governments, businesses, local charities, community groups and development experts all had a chance to contribute their ideas. This type of initiative is what it takes to create a true end to world poverty, not just simply pleading that people give $200 to charity. I feel as if Singer never really thought to develop his idea thoroughly and just wanted something quick that he could easily get people to support. This is where his ethos breaks down. He no longer seems to be a person worth speaking to about the subject, but rather someone who wants a problem solved but doesn’t want to put in effort to come up with a real solution. After analyzing his speech thoroughly I feel that Singer has a lot of passion for what he speaks about but fails to come up with real plausible solutions to the problems he is addressing. Singer may believe he has World Poverty all figured out but there are a few points he’s not thinking about. He used emotional stories about dying children to guilt his listeners into giving money. Though, Peter Singer makes a valid point that we should be helping children in need, what happens when everyone stops blowing their money on luxury items? In his speech he says, â€Å"The formula is simple: whatever money you're spending on luxuries, not necessities, should be given away. † If we were to spend only money on necessities and donate the rest it would, in turn, cause economic distress. Jobs will begin to slowly deplete from our own economy here in America. Manufacturing jobs such as, furniture, computers, televisions, housing, retail, and many more would disappear. The sad fact of the matter is that poverty is a necessity and just like with all things you have to take the good with the bad.

Monday, July 29, 2019

An Assessment to the New Deal to Determine How Neoliberal Ideology Threatens Democracy

An Assessment to the New Deal to Determine How Neoliberal Ideology Threatens Democracy Neoliberal Ideology Threatens Democracy This paper will assess the New Deal and argue that the desire to dismantle it through laissez-faire capitalism or neoliberalism threatens the wellbeing of all citizens. The Stock Market Crash of 1929 set the stage for the Great Depression, which was Franklin D. Roosevelt’s ticket into the White House against his Republican foe Herbert Hoover. The U.S. economy had been crippled severely and was in dire need of economic stimulation. Consumers had lost confidence and hope within the banking system causing the American people to withdraw their money in record numbers. Unemployment and poverty spiraled out of control. As he campaigned, Franklin D. Roosevelt metaphorically proclaimed that the American people were in need of a new deal, one in which that would restore their faith in the United States. When FDR took the Oval Office, he setout passing massive legislations. President Roosevelt’s objectives were simple and clear. His first goal was to restore consumer confidence within the banking system. His second goal was to reduce the level of unemployment and poverty. These series of legislative acts and executive orders passed by FDR and Congress became famously known as the New Deal. Indisputably, the New Deal worked, creating a more sustainable and harmonious economy. However, the ideological liberalism that was once prominent made its way to the center of the stage one again, calling for a breakdown of these government programs. It is important to note, that the term liberalism has changed over time and the term conservatism has changed out of response to this transformation of the word liberalism. Prior to the era of the New Deal, the liberal ideology advocated for an unhampered market economy, deregulation, privatization, and limiting public expenditure. In the case of the New Deal, liberal meant reform that benefited the well being of all through protective regulatory measures and welfare programs In 1932, September 23rd, Franklin Roosevelt delivered a presidential campaign speech in San Francisco called the Commonwealth Club Address. His message was that individualism must make way for collective action. The ideological liberalism that has allowed for the U.S. economy to spiral out of control through its commendation of free market enterprise and lack of government intervention must come to a halt. â€Å"Some of my friends tell me that they do not want the Government in business. With this I agree; but I wonder whether they realize the implications of the past. For while it has been American doctrine that the government must not go into business in competition with private enterprises, still it has been traditional particularly in Republican administrations for business urgently to ask the government to put at private disposal all kinds of government assistance. The same man who tells you that he does not want to see the government interfere in business—and he means it, and has plenty of good reasons for saying so—is the first to go to Washington and ask the government for a prohibitory tariff on his product. â€Å" (Franklin Roosevelt, Commonwealth Club Address) Franklin Roosevelt acknowledged that the lack of regulation, especially in the banking industry contributed to the poor economic conditions of the Great Depression. When he took office in 1933, that March, President Roosevelt proclaimed a Bank Holiday, shutting down the banking system. This put an end to the bank runs consumers were making on U.S. banks. FDR understood the importance of the financial system to the economy. Although he wanted to regulate it, he knew he must restore consumer confidence in the financial system and their government. On March 13th, when the institutions reopened for business depositors stood in line to return their cash to their neighborhood banks. Before two weeks had even passed, Americans had redeposited more than half of the currency that they had hoarded prior to the suspension. Even the stock market was suspended and recorded the largest one-day percentage increase once reopened. Franklin D Roosevelt knew in order to jumpstart the economy he had to build the American people’s confidence in the institutions. Thus, it was ironic when businessmen were calling for less government intervention, when it was government intervention that solved the Great Depression. During a speech he gave while on campaign for reelection, he metaphorically referred to the private sector as a train that has gone off the rails. He states that this train did not uplift itself out of the ditch but was hauled out by the Government. This strong message had to have been reassuring to the citizens of United States. With FDR leading the United States Government, deflation and falling prices ceased, industrial workers had more purchasing power, interest rates, power rates, and transportation rates were reduced, the rate of unemployment rate and poverty even fell. These things happened because of a strong central government that sought to create fair conditions for the public. Under FDR, social welfare programs were immense and life changing. For example, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was a public work relief program that operated for unemployed, unmarried men from relief families as part of the New Deal. Also the Works Progress Administration (renamed in 1935 as the Work Projects Administration; WPA) was the largest and most ambitious American New Deal agency, employing millions of unemployed people to carry out work to be done in the public sector, mainly infrastructure. Millions of dollars were injected into the economy through the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, liquidating the assets of the closed banks. Millions of dollars were pumped into the economy through the Federal Housing Program, which loaned money out to finance and build homes. This sort of public expenditure allowed money to circulate once again. The government spe nding on social welfare for the public put money into circulation for the economy to spend itself. President Roosevelt felt that it was his administration’s duty to combat this increase in income inequality and save American democracy, against the abuse of concentration of economic power that had been insidiously growing up among us in the past fifty years. FDR even recalled a warning of one of the Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson. President Jefferson forewarned that increasing poverty with a large concentration of wealth couldn’t sustain side by side in a democracy. However after World War II, it did not take too long for entrepreneurs to revert back to their desire to limit the government. In fact, many of them thought the government should only intervene as a last resort when the economy cannot be stimulated through the private sector. This allowed for classical liberalism to revive itself. While some liberals (welfare liberals) came to embrace the government for its growth promoting, economy-managing and its concern for social welfare, there were a minority (corporate liberals) that evolved into an anti-state faction within the conservative party that only wanted growth. â€Å"As government became more responsive to political movements for reform, conservatives became more suspicious of government while liberals became more attracted to it.† (American Political Thought) Another dilemma arose from this division amongst liberals, and that is whether the have-nots were entitled to a large share of economic opportunities and wealth. There grew a huge resentment for the focus the nation had placed on social welfare. Daniel Bell, sociologist wrote a booked titled The End of Ideology arguing that the material benefits of modern capitalism had been so widely shared that, the nation had solved all the major economic issues between classes or groups of people. Therefore, suggesting for a reemergence of a free market enterprise. Ultimately meaning, the government had done its job and can go away until needed. By the 1980s, the neoliberal ideology had fully revived itself, especially with Milton Friedman, free-market economist serving as an advisor to president Reagan. It is hard to fathom, how the neoliberalism can thrive when there is empirical and historical data showing that the government’s involvement in the economy creates a sustainable and stable market environment. As public expenditure increases it serves as spending money for the people and businesses within the economy. As long as neoliberalism remai ns the dominant ideology in the U.S. income inequality will only continue increase. Therefore, it serves as a threat to the bottom middle-class and lower-class citizens of society.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sexual images in advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Sexual images in advertising - Essay Example This "Sexual images in advertising" essay describes how sexual images in advertisement affect consumer's behavior and reactions. Sexual images were used by the ancient copywriters as long as epistolary genre existed. Ancient Greek comedies were often filled with sexual images, such as Aristophanes' â€Å"Lysistrata†, an antiwar comedy about women who tried to use sex with their husbands to make them stop fighting wars. Medieval classics like Chaucer's â€Å"Canterbury Tales† and Shakespeare â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew† are overwhelmed with sexual double meanings and overtly sexual images, some of which are omitted today because of the archaic language and the "strict" aura around such masterpieces. Since the appearance of electronic media and electronic advertising, sexual images started to appear on television and radio. Though standards for television commercials and radio spots are usually stricter in regard to sexual images use comparing to print advertisin g, because it is easier to keep sexually oriented print media from children than it is radio or TV. In spite of the variety of sexual images on TV, strong theoretical assumptions, and evidence of the power of physical attractiveness on communication outcomes, the influence of physically attractive persons on consumer desire to buy remains unclear. Erotic images were found to increase consumer awareness to an ad, but not necessarily increase recall or positive attitudes to a brand. As the levels of nudity or erotism getting higher, the intended communication trends either turn negative or lose their strength at all. It turns that the effects of sexual images on cognitive behaviour cannot be estimated without considering certain outer consumer attributes such as gender, age, level of product involvement and emotional arousal. The sexual motivation is usually identified as one of eight common tools of emotional communication in television. The inconsistency between cognitive and affective results toward sexual images in advertising can be partially explained by differences in personal traits of every consumer.

Biology2.1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biology2.1 - Essay Example sion of the virus to humans occurs as a result of human contact with an already infected fowl as well as contaminated surfaces (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, par. 13). By definition, transmission is the spread or passing of a contagious infection from one person to another or from a contaminated surface or animal to humans. Contamination is very likely to occur in Asia due to poor hygiene amongst Asians contributed by high population. In these areas therefore, a pandemic is most likely to occur when birds are infected. In laymans terms, a pandemic is an outbreak. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention notes that the mortality or death rate as a result of a Bird Flu infection is between 90-100 per cent in most cases in forty eight hours (par. 3). This virus can pose a global threat if it changes to a form that can enhance or enable its transmission from one human being to another (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, par. 15). Bird Flu replicates through a lytic cycle. Lytic cycle is whereby the virus invades the genetic material of the host animal and subsequently exploit the host cells to reproduce till the cells rupture hence killing them. In comparison, the virus in a lysogenic cycle reproduces without killing the cell (Brooker 379). Once a pathogen, in this case the virus attacks the human, the body reacts through adaptive immunity whereby it is able to identify the virus in case of re-infection and immediately produces antibodies that starts to attack the virus to destroy or kill it. The cells responsible for this process are B-cells and T-cells. T-cells kills the cells infected with the virus and trigger production of cells referred to as interferon that slows down its reproduction (Nathanson 88). To treat viral infections, antiviral drugs to prevent replication of the virus can be administered or drugs to kill the infected cells without killing the host (Nathanson 238). Flu vaccines are made using dead viruses. These dead viruses

Saturday, July 27, 2019

FOUNDATIONS OF SCHOLARSHIP & RESEARCH Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

FOUNDATIONS OF SCHOLARSHIP & RESEARCH - Essay Example The information systems have given enormous facilities to human and data management factors. This piece of work also contains information systems’ services to build mega projects (Link, 2008). The role of business professionals and IT professionals is very significant and inevitable. The professionals, in an organisation, focus on information administration, central systems and framework for smooth operations. As Walters and Tang (2006) state: â€Å"IT-enabled strategic management must address the role of IT plays in the strategy content options and priorities, strategy formulation processes and strategy implementation processes. Strategic management focuses on the identifying the direction of an organization, and designing and instituting major changes needed to gear the organization towards moving in the established directions†. (pp. 02) Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson (2009) articulate that IT provides the tools for quality of services QoS and risk management in the process of strategic management. The study aims are to explore and identify the parameters and correlations between strategic management and information technology. Some factors of the understanding reflections in the affiliation among appropriate features and configuration, and the impacts of IT on business strategies, are discussed. This paper reveals some new avenues of information concerns and designing enterprises’ needs. Furthermore, in the practice of strategic management, the socio-technical factors also described. Project analysis, according to strategy, normally is completed for the reasons that adhered with vision, outcomes, administration and control (Sadler and Craig, 2003). The increasing complexities of organisations have created welcome environment for information technology in which the strategies are geared up for developing new grounds. IT supplies the accuracy, consistency and systematic framework to

Friday, July 26, 2019

Immigration issues in the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Immigration issues in the USA - Essay Example A nation without borders is not a nation and this country has been losing control of the borders for many decades, losing prosperity, security and autonomy along with them. The massive numbers of illegal aliens pouring across mainly the southern border has and continues to cause substantial economic, social and physical harms to legal citizens. These harms occur predominantly to those who are among the most vulnerable segments of the population: minorities, children and the poor. Harms to the poor, minorities and children are indeed occurring but mainly to illegal aliens. An argument can be made if they should be afforded similar rights and protections as legal citizens but not if they deserve human rights considerations. Many at all level of government and in state and federal legislatures have continually attempted to deny access to housing, schools, medical treatment and social programs to non-citizens. Some argue that U.S. laws apply to all within its borders, legally or not such as the Fifth Amendment right to due process of law. The laws certainly apply to all when they are broken. The federal government, to no one’s surprise, has been no help. ... Genesis of the Issue The fundamental reason for the flood of immigration from Latin America, specifically Mexico, is the disintegration of the Mexican economy predominantly resulting from free-trade strategies employed by the North American Free Trade Agreement and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The rampant corruption within the Mexican government has also contributed significantly to the collapse of the Mexican economy. Due to IMF policies regarding Mexico, its economic output dropped 33 percent in the past two decades. During this period, its foreign debt rose 359 percent because of widespread looting of the national coffers. These factors caused the â€Å"collapse of all areas of productive economic activity and employment, is the primary driver of the flood of emigrants desperate to leave Mexico, to find some livelihood for themselves and their families in the United States† 1 Amnesty, an Unpopular Concept Reward for Crime Throughout the history of America, people of differing ideologies have generally agreed on immigration controls. Public opinion polls have continually shown an overwhelming opposition to illegal immigration as well as for the concept of amnesty. The majority of Americans believe amnesty for illegal aliens is merely a reward for law-breaking and by whatever name, causes ever escalating future illegal immigration. â€Å"No system depending on a strict regard for the rule of law can treat law-breaking so casually† 2 Those who favor amnesty for illegal aliens, specifically those crossing the southern border do not seem to realize that a crime has been committed and not, as they might have you believe, one without a victim. Simply enforcing the laws

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Portfolio Artifacts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Portfolio Artifacts - Assignment Example The presentation was careful to use a large font size of size 30 so as to ensure that the presentation will clearly be visible to an audience of that size. A key untapped potential of the program project is its expansion into offering counseling services to victims of child abuse and neglect. These services can be offered to persons who were abused or neglected when they were children and still suffer from the effects of their experiences, and also to child victims who have undergone the trauma of maltreatment and abuse. The program can also look into ways of offering joint counseling services to both the parents or guardians convicted of abusing their children, and the children who were being subjected to the neglect and maltreatment. If implemented, this will serve to assist family units to reunite, avoid breakups and mend faster. This is because the children will get a chance of rebuilding their broken confidence in their guardians or parents in a controlled environment (Mannarino & Deblinger,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Credit Risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Credit Risk - Essay Example There has to be experience to scrutinize all the credit information and interpret the same. However good the analyses may have been, the bank will be in no position to distinguish a good borrower from a bad borrower, who has no intention of repaying the loan. Despite all the caution, bad loans do creep into the banks accounts. Thus, evaluation and pricing decisions should be followed up with periodic review of the account and the credit rating of the borrower. Any fall in the rating will increase the credit risk. Credit risks persist from the time the loan is granted throughout its life period and continuous review during this period will help in the early detection of the problem loans. The above information is for monitoring the credit risk exposure at a micro level. If a broader outlook of the credit risk exposure and its position is to be determined, then a macro level approach has to be adopted. This is made possible through the use of the Capital Adequacy Ration (CAR). The capital adequacy of a bank, which is the ratio of its capital to its risk weighted assets (RWAs), provides information about the extent to which the possible losses can be absorbed by the capital. Normally, the ultimate defense against credit risk that a bank possesses will be its equity capital or net worth. If from an earnings position, it turns out into an operating losses position, it would be the equity capital account that absorbs such losses, thereby giving management time to reach to the situation. Therefore, it can be said that the higher the CAR the better it is for the financial institution. The main aim of the credit policy of a bank will be to screen out the best proposals for acceptance. The Capital Adequacy rate provides a benchmark for monitoring the risk level considering the total assets of the company. Commercial banks provide capital market related services, depository services, advises on portfolio management or investment counseling, etc. Many banks have now started offering investment services to the retail customer, which is essentially advice and execution of mutual fund investments and redemptions. CAPITAL MARKET PRODUCTS Advice on debt and equity is restricted primarily to new issues, with secondary market investments being discouraged. There are no charges for this service; in fact, customers are paid incentives/commissions for investing through them. The bank essentially gets its income from the mutual fund/broker directly and also cross-sells other banking products. Arbitrage, stock lending are products, which are beyond traditional asset management but still many banks are offering them to retain their customers ((ICMR), Commercial Banking, 2003). Portfolio Management Services offered by banks can be differentiated into discretionary and non-discretionary services. Discretionary portfolio management allows the portfolio manager to take investment decisions on behalf of his/her clients within the broad parameters of asset allocation. Non-discretionary services of the type provided by banks essentially mean that the client has to authorize, every transaction done on his/her behalf. The non-discretionary services offered by a banker can be listed as follows: Advisory services - Flexible, unbiased

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

2 important issues for paralegals today licensing and unauthorzed Research Paper

2 important issues for paralegals today licensing and unauthorzed practice of law by non-lawyers - Research Paper Example For example in some states, it is regarded as a felony which can lead to a sentence of a minimum of five years, or a fine of not less than five thousand dollars, regardless of whether the unauthorized person had permission from court (Susan 2007 p 158). However, other states grant permission to unlicensed people to offer certain services such as selling legal forms, and providing common instructions and other services whereby the interest of clients may not be put at stake. They are preferred by clients because they charge lower prices than the attorneys. Blades and Vermylen (2004 p 642) observe that information technology has brought drastic changes in the legal profession. People are able to access critical information regarding legal issues from the internet. This has been a major improvement in enlightening the public regarding their legal rights. However, people are exposed to the wrong information generated by the unauthorized practicing lawyers that can jeopardize their rights. This is because both the authorized and unauthorized lawyers can post unlimited information on websites. The most risky part is where a client completes a deal in the website, where there is no interaction between the lawyer and the client. Such passive websites may be used by laymen and may not offer the correct information regarding legal matters, a problem that has recently raised concerns in many states (Tony 2004 p 227). However, secure methods such as the use of cautiously developed disclaimers are in use by lawyers in order to separate between th e unauthorized practices of law from the licensed lawyers. The use of measures for identification through the use of disclaimers have been significant in ensuring that only the authorized lawyers serve clients, but without any deals being completed in the website. They only provide general information, making it less attractive to people in the unauthorized practice of law (Blades

Oliver Twist- Development Phase Essay Example for Free

Oliver Twist- Development Phase Essay In our drama class, our teacher Mrs. Oteng had asked us to develop on our performance of Oliver Twist. We had previously performed the response phase which was a role play with the main scenes of the novel by Charles Dickens. In the topic of crime in society, in which we were covering, the novel of Oliver Twist had allowed the class to have an insight of crime in the olden periods compared to today. By seeing the angle in both perspectives, it allowed the class to realise the consequences today and before and how crime affected lives. The development phase was all based on developing the performance with the use of light, props, tone, levels and music. The change in the play would allow the audience to see how these strategies changed the emotion in a play and how it bought life to it. The people who I decided to work with were Vishna, Daanish and Moshgan. We worked well together and everyone in the group had imaginative ideas. With the idea of bringing out a different side to each character we enhanced the performance by taking on the role of just a few of the characters and showing a complete opposite to what they are really like. Bill Sikes was played by Daanish in the first scene. He played the usual murderer who killed without mercy and who never looked back. However, I played a homosexual and sensitive Bill Sikes who was the complete opposite to him. In this case I was his conscience and I was playing the same way he was but in my own version. This allowed the audience to see what a different personality of Bill would have done to the real play of Oliver Twist. Similarly, Vishna played Nancy as the gentle and kind-hearted woman we knew, while Moshgan played the cold-hearted, stuck-up complete opposite to the real character to Nancy. By doing this we could keep to the same storyline but we allowed the audience to see what it was like if the characters had a little change in their personality. We also focused on the relationship between Nancy and Bill Sikes. In the novel, they had a loveless and tactless relationship, while in our play we took it from the real angle and in a real, loving relationship. This created a contrast in the play which allowed the audience to see both perspectives. This was the aim of our play and I believe the audience easily understood that. I believe that our group did extremely well and the audience enjoyed it. It was one of the most complicated plays to put together because of the changes in the scenes and the change of characters as a group. However, the use of props allowed each of the characters to be distinguished easily and the audience understood who each one of us was; more efficiently. I wore a tight shirt, which showed my homosexual character and the way in which I was holding my body was convincing. Daanish wore a puffy jacket which showed his authority and toughness. Moshgan wore a tight pink top which showed of her body which showed that she was a prostitute while Vishna wore neutral clothes which did not need to reveal much. The use of props really helped to enhance our drama. Towards the end of our drama, Mrs. Oteng played a piece of sad and somber music which really enhanced our drama when Nancy was getting beaten by Bill Sikes which lead to her death. The music made the audience feel more connected to the drama and the music added emotion to the drama and bought sympathy for Vishnas character. We did not use light in our performance as we found it was unnecessary. However, we used different tones in our voices and we used different levels on stage and even off stage. We used the explorative strategies well enough for top marks. On a whole, our class had many individual thought-tracks which showed how I characters felt which was equally as important. My thought-tracks were very comedic which made the audience laugh after all the violence and upsetting scenes which were to follow. By saying things like, I shave the hairs on my chest, made the audience laugh. I believe that a little humour would ease the audience a little bit and that is why I was the only comedic character as we had to keep to the topic of crime. Under the topic of Crime in Society, I believe that our play showed domestic violence the most and this was our main focus. Domestic violence occurs a lot in todays society but also in the olden days. The points we were conveying were that it was as bad then, then as today. On a whole, I was pleased with my groups performance and I enjoyed working with them. I was now told to observe another groups performance and comment on the way in which they developed their drama. The group that I decided to observe was with Louise, Mohammed, Aiman, Sumhar, Anthony and Maya. This group had six people and I believed that they worked very well together to come up with a performance which included everybody. They changed Sumhars role as Oliver Twist to Olivia Twist. Each character kept in role and they used the drama equally as well. Each of the characters thought-tracked and they used levels and tones in their voices to enhance their drama. Their play was based on the scene where Olivia gets kidnapped by Fagin and Bill Sikes for Nancys pleasure. Nancy played by Maya had also changed her role from being a nice, kind-hearted woman to a frail, evil woman. This was similar to our groups idea and this was effective as only one of the characters had changed personality. I loved watching this performance, each character was in role and I understood the story line very well. The aspect of Crime in Society in this play was based on kidnappings, people owing money, poverty and how this all leads to deaths in society. On a whole, I believe that by developing the play of Oliver Twist, I learnt the consequences of crime in the olden days. I t also taught me how to enhance a play by taking a simple idea from a particular scene and by working on it to show the audience something they might not have realised or understood as much. I enjoyed working on the development phase and I believe that by developing the performance we encounter more. I would like to work on developing a performance in the future and I liked this part of the workshop the most.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Exploratory Research Assignment Essay Example for Free

Exploratory Research Assignment Essay Canadian’s first choice for an alcoholic beverage? Beer. Not only is beer a refreshing beverage on a hot, sunny day, it plays a big part in the Canadian heritage. The overall beer consumption over the years has been steady, however with increased competition, it is becoming harder for Canadian breweries to keep up with market trends. Hence, all the major Canadian breweries have been merged with or acquired by the international giants. The competition is rising not only between beer brands, but also within beverage types. Wine consumption in Canada has been increasing substantially. Consumers are always looking for something new and exciting, but at the same time, something they can relate to. â€Å"A key point for success is to bring differentiation while still retaining a recognizable and familiar aspect†(t). Another obstacle the brewing industry is facing is the wrong perception consumers have about beer and its effect on weight and overall health. â€Å"Beer belly†, for example is just a myth. It is vital for companies to educate consumers about the true nutritional value of beer to avoid wrong perceptions and lose consumers to other beverages that seem more calories cautious. Research Objective This report outlines current trends as well as opportunities and threats to the Canadian Brewing Industry. The results were interpreted based on the research conducted on the three major brewing companies: Heineken N. V. , Sleeman Brewery Ltd. , and Molson Coors Brewing Co. We identified and compared these breweries in terms of the background, consumer’s opinions and strategic issues the companies are currently facing. Finally, the recommendations provided outline the possibilities for improvement and growth of the industry if the appropriate changes are undertaken. Research Method This research was conducted based on North American population through trend analysis. The articles were chosen based on relevancy and the date of publication, 2008 and above. The main areas of research were: history of the company, social media impact, strategic issues and opportunities. The focus was on the most recent news and events that affected the company as well as the entire industry. Company Information Heineken N. V. was founded in 1873 in Netherlands and has become the world’s most international brewer (Heineken, 2013). It operates in Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East, The Americas, and Asia Pacific. The company is keen on contributing to a sustainable future. Their strategy is based on the four focus areas: conserving water, decreasing CO2 emissions, responsible agriculture, and responsible consumption. Heineken also believes that innovation is key to future success. The Heineken Ignite beer bottle is their new invention. It is replete with LEDs and motion sensors, â€Å"which let it light up with various effects when drinkers knock bottles to say cheers with someone or take a sip†. The LEDs could also be synchronized with music and activated by light sources. (d) Founded in Guelph, Ontario in 1834, Sleeman Breweries Ltd. became a leading brewer and distributor of premium beer in Canada. (b) Their success came from â€Å"turn-of-the-century† beer recipes and the passion that continues to drive the company to this day. Sleeman’s trademark is their unique clear bottle. In the recent lawsuit against Dead Frog Brewery that uses a similar clear bottle design, John Sleeman, CEO, said: Sleeman will always vigorously defend its trademarks, especially where my familys heritage is concerned. (c) Sleeman Breweries Ltd. was bought out by Sapporo in 2006, however the Japanese firm kept the Sleeman name and business intact because of the intrinsic value that it holds. (e) Molson Inc. is the oldest brewery in North America, established in 1786(a). In 1978, the company bought into sports and entertainment industry, purchasing â€Å"a share in the Montreal Canadie ns and the Montreal Forum, as well as hosting Molson Hockey Night in Canada†(a). Their advertising campaign has always been based on the â€Å"beer-sports† connection, trying to establish that beer and hockey are two defining elements of the Canadian identity. (f) After merging with Coors, Molson Coors Brewing Co. became 5th largest brewer in the world. Below is a comparison table of the three above-mentioned companies, in terms of 2012 sales, place of origin, current position in the market, types of beer offered in Canada, sports associations, and company slogans. Heineken is the most known international beer brand, â€Å"when in doubt, order a Heineken†. But the recent feedback from the consumers shows that Heineken is over-rated. It’s characteristic skunky taste is the result of the green bottles it’s served in. The UV rays break down the hop compounds, which is why the beer tastes different when served from the bottle compared to tap. Heineken however is not ready to let go of their notorious green bottles since that would make it harder to identify the beer, which in turn will hurt the company’s bottom line. Sleeman is known for its flavorful body and clean taste (no skunkiness). Some find it too sweet, others enjoy it. The benefit that Sleeman has over its competitors is that is offers different types of craft beer that other breweries don’t. From fruity India Pale Ale to chocolaty Fine Porter, Sleeman wants to create a long lasting relationship with those, who have an appreciation for beer. However, Sleeman is not as active in the Social Media world as Heineken and Molson are with their catchy commercials and Facebook pages. Molson Canadian was voted #2 in AskMen, men’s online magazine. Be it a hockey game, a backyard bbq or a camping trip, Molson Canadian is what the young generation automatically reaches for, due to Molson’s heavy advertising that incorporates those themes. â€Å"Camping essentials. Lots of firewood and Molson Canadian†- was posted on Twitter along with a picture of a truck loaded with firewood and cases of Molson Canadian. Key trends, opportunities and threats Although beer continues to dominate the market of alcoholic beverages, (c)beer consumption is declining in the U. S. and Europe, the source of two-thirds of Heinekens profits, because of tougher drunk-driving laws and a growing appreciation for wine†. The fact is that beer is not seen as a â€Å"fancy drink† that you indulge in, it is time to change that. Companies must start educating consumers about the differences between various types of beer, beer and food pairings, in order to create a better appreciation for the beverage. Another obstacle the brewing industry has to overcome is the â€Å"beer belly† myth. Consumers are becoming more health cautious and many believe that beer is detrimental to weight loss and health in general. The fact is, beer is fat-free, cholesterol-free and low in carbohydrates. Beer is made from hops, barley and wheat, so the beverage contains many nutrients such are: vitamins A, C B6, folate, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, zinc, iron, and calcium. Beer also contains antioxidants and is high in fiber. Those who choose lighter beers in hopes of reducing their caloric intake, are also missing out on all the nutrients the beer holds. Drinking beer in moderation also reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, bone fractures and osteoporosis, kidney stones, digestive ailments, gallstones, and physical ailments affecting the elderly. Beer can be part of a balanced diet and a healthy, active lifestyle. The key is moderation. (brewers association One of the big trends for summer 2013 is light and flavored beer with the hope to appeal more to women, and Molson Canadian is on top of it. Their new line of beer, Molson Wheat, is made with all-natural ingredients; â€Å"the unfiltered wheat lager delivers a hint of malt, balanced by the fruity character of just-ripened bananas†. Molson is also going to introduce Molson Canadian Cider made from 100% Canadian apples and champagne yeast. On the other spectrum, craft beer is also the category that will experience growth, thus Sleeman should undergo a positive turnaround in the near future. The current debate over wider retail distribution of alcoholic beverages is becoming more evident, and more changes and pilot programs are being tested to potentially expand product availability beyond liquor stores. â€Å"In 2013, the province of Ontario – the largest alcoholic drinks market in Canada will become LCBO or Liquor Control Board of Ontario Express stores-within-stores at 10 grocery supermarkets. The Manitoba Liquor Control Commission has also been testing the Liquor Mart Express store within a Canada Safeway supermarket in Winnipeg as of 2012† (Euromonitor International, 2013). Wider retail distribution will definitely create more opportunities for product marketing and retailer distribution, potentially giving more opportunities for smaller local wineries, breweries and distilleries to bring their products to the market (Euromonitor International, 2013) Study Implications and Recommendations There are four main concepts derived from this research: * Perception of beer * Health implications * Competition * Innovation In order to stay competitive, the above 4 concepts must be exercised interchangeably. The brewing industry has a lot of room for improvement and growth. The improvement must begin from changing the consumers’ perspective about beer in order to create a lasting relationship. An ongoing education about beer and beer consumption is also something that can change consumers’ perceptions and preferences. In order to stay competitive, one must â€Å"bring differentiation while still retaining a recognizable and familiar aspect†(t). Social Media is a powerful tool that must be utilized in order to reach consumers as well as to learn about consumer behavior and generate feedback. Study Limitations and Directions for Future Research I found the most credible sources were the company’s websites, Business and Company Resoucre Centre and Global Market Information Database (GMID). The least credible was Wikipedia (was not included in this research paper) since some of the information was not accurate and up do date. Canadian Business and Current Affairs, I found to be the least up to date and least helpful. There is much more research that could be conducted in regards to this topic- alcohol regulation, exporting tariffs, cross marketing strategies, etc. The above research should be used as a foundation for the in depth analysis of the brewing industry of Canada.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Business overview of Deloitte Consulting

Business overview of Deloitte Consulting Deloitte Consulting is one of the worlds largest consulting firms, with 12,000 consultants serving more than one-third of the Fortune Global 500 in more than 30 countries. Its a powerful firm that incorporates all types of services in its business from research through implementation. More importantly through the eyes of its employees it is seen as a humane, balanced, and enjoyable place to work, where talent can rise quickly. The firm which started out as Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (DTT) was initially an international accounting firm, founded in 1845 by former bankruptcy clerk William Welch Deloitte. As the firm began to grow there was increased pressure on the business to separate from their parent accounting firms, and a new strategy had to be put in motion. In March of 2003, the firm announced it had ended discussions to separate its consulting practice from the parent accounting firm, reasons included a tight credit market and poor economic conditions. Deloitte Consulting, is now fully merged back into its parent company, which is now known simply as Deloitte. The company today competes with other large and mid-size consulting firms for the business of companies that do more than $500 million in sales. Its known primarily for its one stop shop designs that deliver executable strategies that it will help implement for clients of all sizes. Some of these clients include Boeing, GM, Chevron Texaco, and ret ailer The Gap amongst other. One of the ways Deloitte stands out form its competitors is by providing clients with a more personalized contract which takes into mind their short and long term goals as well as other factors. By have well trained consultants and project staff the firm is able to initiate strong conversation and detailed research. They are able to collaborate better and are more responsive to their needs. Deloitte has services in five service areas. The firm integrates process capabilities and service lines into each service area. Deloitte consultants work with eight industry groups in three geographic regions. When new people are hired into one of the regional offices they generally work in a particular geographic region. When starting your career with Deloitte, as you become more familiar with the processes ways of doing things youll gradually specialize in a service line and industry group. However as with any small or large organization you will initially work within different areas and on different project types. The four key business areas the company operates in include : Audit Financial advisory, Tax Consulting Market Position Deloitte Consulting is seen as one of the leaders in the industry competing with other large and midsize consulting firms. Since its had a reputation of quality service and commitment to its clients they have been able to provide a wide range of general management and information technology consulting services all around the world. One of the main strengths the firm has is in operations consulting, as well as strategic planning, financial management, and productivity. Deloitte Consulting is in the top 3 consulting firms in the world with other firms such as, IBM and Accenture. based on Consultants News estimates, which include revenue from both Deloitte Consulting and DTT. On the other hand, some research firms have listed Deloitte Consultings revenue the highest amongst its competitors; this would rank Deloitte Consulting (independent of DTT) at number six on the following list. In 2009 Deloitte as the worldwide leader in the consulting marketplace based on aggregate revenue, growth and market share for 2009. *This picture indicates the revenue growth for the top 10 consulting firms* In a recent report Deloitte has been able to be the leader in the industry for the following reasons. These are seen as attributes of successful firms who compete in the industry. Ability to scale their business and IT consulting services to various providers who span across several geographical regions and domains. There is a chance for buyers on a global scale to have the ability to offer a broad array of consulting services addressing these initiatives which is broad in scope but tailored to their clients needs which is often seen as critically important. Having the right type of consultants with the right mix of skills, incorporating such qualities as multicultural and multi domain change management, while at the same time offering a deep business process understanding for a large number of industries. There is the concept of stability. The company year after year has had a solid balance sheet and financial growth within the business and IT consulting service provider are critical because buying organizations must mitigate the risk of failing to complete a project or initiative. Lastly is Strategy. Consulting service providers continually evolve their business strategy through reorganizing, reskilling of their resources and redefining service outcome. This is the differentiating proposition fort Deloitte. Deloittes consulting practices have outpaced growth of the consulting market for the past five years, and we believe this recognition is a testament to Deloittes successful execution of a broad services strategy delivered through a focused, collaborative approach. Client executives have faced exceptional challenges in the past two-plus years, and we are proud of the way Deloitte teams have worked with them in innovative ways to help meet those challenges. As the recovery takes hold, that same commitment to responsible innovation will support Deloitte clients in capitalizing on new opportunities. ACG service offering Consulting Services Deloitte operates a wide range of consulting services allowing each client to be fully taken care of. They operate in three regions,(east. central, west). Deloitte is headquartered in New York, but is divided into three regions with individual offices in each. In addition they are organized into eight industry groups. The company has expertise in a wide array of functional areas and serves most big-ticket industries: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Energy, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Financial services à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Health care à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Manufacturing à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Public sector à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Communications and media, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Consumer business à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Real estate Five Service Areas To service the above, Deloitte is broken into five service areas, each of which integrates process capabilities. They include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Enterprise applications à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Human capital, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Outsourcing à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Strategy and operations à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Technology which has many service lines Each area of the consulting services has associated service and sub service lines, which are numerous and constantly changing based on client demand. Some of them, such as financial management or change leadership, may even cut across several industries, complicating the organization. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Enterprise applications: PeopleSoft, Oracle, SAP. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Information technology services: CRM, SAP à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Infrastructure: information strategies, systems integration à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Outsourcing: information technology outsourcing, business process outsourcing à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ People: change leadership, educational services à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Process: mergers and acquisitions, program leadership, reengineering, shared services, supply chain results à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Strategy and financial management: strategy, strategy enterprise management, reorganization services à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cross-service-line initiatives: BRPR initiative, ERPs second wave, e-business, Career Progression Working at Deloitte can be a great place to work. If your ambition is to have a long term career in consulting and provide the highest value to clients at the end of the day this is the place to work. Compensation, Vacation, and Perks Since the economy hit a standstill a few years ago the salaries while still competitive offered by Deloitte have taken a hit. Although insiders say things are looking up. New analyst salaries are in the $55,000 to $70,000 range. MBA starting salaries will be $95,000 to $120,000. Because Deloitte recruits at more business schools than many of its competitors, salaries may vary. New Deloitte employees get 23 days of personal time off (PTO) each year.PTO includes vacation, sick, and personal time. Taking 1 or 2 weeks off in a row is usually allowed, but taking all 4 weeks in one shot will depend on your team and office. Assuming its scheduled in advance, vacation is generally considered sacred, even if your client suffers an unforeseen matter-antimatter reaction. New employees can take advantage of the 401(k) plan; Uncle Deloitte will benevolently match a portion of your contributions-up to 25 percent of the first 6 percent you put in. On a less fiscal note, a program called third Friday fly back encourages consultants to get back to the ranch for the third Friday of every month for schmoozing and continuing education of general or special interest. The company has a philosophy which states its its your career, where do you want to take it? They stress the fact of extensive and continued training. Career progression is based on ability. On average people are promoted every two to four years as they develop their skills and capabilities, and have worked on different projects.. On the job skills or required skills To be successful at Deloitte Consulting, a person must demonstrate the competencies and attributes that they look for in a future candidate. These include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The ability to think clearly, logically, and with insight à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ A quick mind and a high level of energy à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Common sense and judgment à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Skill and sensitivity in dealing with people à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The ability to secure the cooperation of others and persuade them to act à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Flexibility and a sense of humor à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The desire to broaden ones career focus beyond a specific technical or functional skill à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The self-confidence to work effectively with people at all management levels à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Initiative, drive, and persistence The company sees unfulfilled potential as a waste of time and tries to keep it to a minimum. Because of this a tailored program of continuous personal and career development features strongly within everyones individual Deloitte experience, irrespective of their seniority. We provide a fantastic array of formal, informal and web-based learning options. Generally speaking, you can expect, as an experienced professional, to have between six and ten days of allocated training every year, typically including technical training, skills development, industry knowledge building and computer-based training. As a result youll acquire and develop a significant array of professional and personal skills thatll equip you to meet the many and varied challenges However, development isnt just about attending courses. Youll learn most by working on challenging projects with outstanding people. Weve invested in building the coaching capability of our staff so these real-time learning opportunities can be fully realized. So, rest assured, we make sure every ounce of your potential is recognized and exploited to everyones advantage, especially yours. The Recruiting Process The recruiting process is very structured and competitive. Deloitte recruits at many of the top undergraduate and B-schools to acquire the best and brightest to tackle their most complex business problems. To be considered for an initial interview, candidates must post their resumes on Deloittes website through their schools career center. It is a detailed application process which tells Deloitte about your background, skills and if you are a suitable candidate. If a undergraduate school isnt on the Deloitte site, it is a good idea to locate a recruiter at another institution. Expect the selection process to take one to two rounds, with one to three interviews in each round. Reportedly, candidates from prestigious schools often have their pick of regional offices. Not from Harvard? If you want to work in a different region, seek advice on doing so from your campus recruiter. Transferring an offer to another office is not easy or swift, although insiders say the firm has tried to accommodate new hires or their spouses. Undergraduates Students looking to apply should keep in mind that A strong GPA is important to Deloitte, although not as important as intelligence, poise, business savvy, relevant experience, and internships. Recruiters like well-rounded, self-motivated types with communication and leadership skills. All majors, from economics and business to liberal arts, have a shot at business analyst positions. For systems analyst positions, engineering, mathematics, and computer-science majors have an advantage over techy novices, who are often viewed as requiring a great deal of catch-up. For project analyst positions, economics or business majors with budgeting experience are preferred.36 Getting Hired MBAs MBA recruiting is conducted centrally. Recruits from Harvard, Wharton, Kellogg, University of Chicago, UCLA, and some regional schools feed all U.S. Deloitte offices. While the on-campus recruiting process is the best way to get on the interview list, company recruiters say theyre willing to interview any motivated, qualified applicant. Unlike other big firms that base interviews on resume screening, Deloitte is more interested in what you exhibit in person. Team-as in team player-is the magic word. Professionalism, flexibility, and humor go a long way. Expect a mix of behavior and case questions thatll probe your analytical strengths and work accomplishments and determine your ability to fit in. Experienced Candidates- Deloitte is always looking for people with experience outside of consulting. They arent above occasionally luring staff away from competitors, either. Although MBA programs are the primary source of general management consultants, many health-care practitioners come from industry. Experienced hire recruiting is done first on a regional basis, then on a more detailed industry level. Experienced hires must have very well-defined experience in our service line, says one recruiter. The challenging work and long hours are paired with what Deloitte believes is a unique consulting industry characteristic: a workable lifestyle. Its consultants spend fewer hours away from home than its rivals (a 3-4-5 standard-a maximum of 3 nights in a hotel and 4 days at the client in a 5-day week. The firm also promotes a down-to-earth company culture that includes title-less business cards, mandatory use of first names from the CEO on down, and a strong emphasis on fitting in. The latter refers to having a Deloitte personality, which apparently trumps both GPA and raw intellectual horsepower early in the university recruiting process. Ideally, arrogant types are expunged in the first interview; hopefully only nice guys and gals get in. Training Every new hire goes through what many current employees call consulting boot camp. Both undergrads and MBAs attend similar intensive, 2-week training programs. For undergrads, the first week is devoted mostly to developing fundamental consulting skills and includes local office procedures and logistical information. The second week focuses more on a specific area. At that time, managers themselves may lead the training for some industries. The same progression of general to specific is true with MBA training; the technical services are separated from the business services. Although training is intensive, much bonding goes on during the downtime. In the meantime, you are also working like a lunatic to prepare to take on the job. In addition, new systems analysts may participate in an additional 3 to 8 weeks of training, depending on their service line assignment. Insiders say that all training programs are much more relevant than they were a few years ago. One of the important points about Deloittes career path is that they offer a reasonably clear career path all the way up to the title of partner. There is a notion of up or out isnt unheard of, and its a rarity that people stay frozen at one level. Undergrads hired as business analysts or systems analysts receive significant continuing education and typically stay for 2 or 3 years. Next they often attend B-school and return wiser and richer-once theyre back on salary (and their loan has been forgiven if theyre a business analyst). Business analysts chosen to stay on for the third year are promoted to consultant. Systems analysts typically work 2 years until promotion to consultant. Those who stay 2 to 3 years could earn a promotion to senior consultant. Deloitte reimburses you for any further education you may wish to do including graduate school. Undergrads can also be hired into a project controllers program. Starting as project analysts, they are slowly promoted to project controller, senior project controller, and finally project controller manager. Project controllers may leave the program to join the consulting side, and they may be promoted as a systems analyst or consultant. First-year MBAs from top business schools who get hired as summer interns are usually offered full-time positions as senior consultants, often including tuition reimbursement for their last school year. Senior consultants are promoted to manager in 2 or 3 years. Some hard-working managers are rewarded with a 18-month tour of duty in another country-from Argentina to Hong Kong to New Zealand-through the Global Careers Development Program. This program, which includes language training, is considered more important as the company integrates international affiliates. After 3 years, managers have typically gained an industry specialization and move up to senior manager. After 4 years, MBAs can choose from two tracks: partner or director the director position was designed to retain bright individuals who seek to focus on a technological career without the responsibilities of leading major projects or bringing in new business. New industry hires come in at every level, from consultant to partner, commensurate with previous experience. Alas, a few misguided souls do leave the firm (turnover is between 12 and 16 percent). Insiders report that alumni generally do not seek greener pastures at other consulting firms, suggesting that leaving Deloitte is more a rejection of the lifestyle than of the firm. Many go to work for clients, and others find opportunities in small start-up businesses. On the Job Roles Analyst The responsibilities of analysts dont differ fundamentally from those of senior consultants or even more senior people. At first you might be asked to do some backstage work, with little chance of harming a multimillion-dollar relationship, but the goal is to get you out in front of the client early on, where youll be adding value left and right. Often, analysts produce deliverables (the real-world analog of homework assignments), which managers and partners review and revise. Insiders say this is where you can prove yourself: This method allows superlative performers to really shine, since their first drafts may actually become final or close-to-final drafts for clients. Once you excel at these assignments, the scope of your responsibilities increases. Analysts have been known to run sizable chunks of a project and even entire small projects, with responsibility for five or more team members. In my experience, the degree of independence given to an analyst is directly proportional to your ability to handle the workload, says one insider. Here are some typical duties: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Gather data through client interviews, research, and observation à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Conduct operational and financial analysis of data à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Present findings to team members à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Persuade managers to adopt your recommendations à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Research and prepare sales proposals à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Recruit more analysts à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Systems analysts: design and test program modules Project Controller The project controller program-which contributes to the consulting program but is distinct from it-was started in 1995 in Orange County and subsequently went national. Project controllers work with project teams to measure progress and maintain budgets. They also coordinate with clients to ensure efficient use of the project teams resources. Heres a general overview of a project controllers tasks: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Manage finances for the project, including budget à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Develop and maintain a work plan à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Analyze profitability and time utilization, ensuring optimal resource usage à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Document and organize project progress à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Report project status à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ensure that the team is communicating properly and maintain team morale à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Work on human resource management-for example, develop project support processes and human resource orientation processes à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Prepare client presentation materials 18 Senior Consultant Senior consultants are expected to exercise their management skills and use a lot of other gadgets from that MBA toolbox. You will often have primary responsibility for a small project team or a small part of a larger team that includes clients and analysts. One senior consultant estimates that over the course of a day you will spend 20 percent of your time with Deloitte teammates, 30 percent working independently, and 50 percent with clients. Specifically, you will à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Determine and evaluate the appropriate analysis to be done. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Manage and guide analysis in progress. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Interpret the results of the teams analysis. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Prepare and deliver presentations to Deloitte Consulting and client management. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lead visioning and brainstorming sessions. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Woo MBA candidates during recruiting season. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Participate in office initiatives such as the development of new divisions. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ IT practitioners: manage systems development through design, programming, testing, and implementation. Partner A partner is actually an owner of the business. Our partners are the primary shareholders of Deloitte. Part of their commitment is to grow the business and sell our services to clients. To become a partner within our firm, it takes experience, leadership, a strong work ethic, and a passion for quality and client service Conclusion Deloitte Consulting is one of the worlds largest consulting firms, with 12,000 consultants serving more than one-third of the Fortune Global 500 in more than 30 countries. Its a powerful firm that incorporates all types of services in its business from research through implementation. More importantly through the eyes of its employees it is seen as a humane, balanced, and enjoyable place to work, where talent can rise quickly. The firm which started out as Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (DTT) was initially an international accounting firm, founded in 1845 by former bankruptcy clerk William Welch Deloitte. As the firm began to grow there was increased pressure on the business to separate from their parent accounting firms, and a new strategy had to be put in motion. In March of 2003, the firm announced it had ended discussions to separate its consulting practice from the parent accounting firm, reasons included a tight credit market and poor economic conditions. Deloitte Consulting, is now fully merged back into its parent company, which is now known simply as Deloitte. The company today competes with other large and mid-size consulting firms for the business of companies that do more than $500 million in sales. Its known primarily for its one stop shop designs that deliver executable strategies that it will help implement for clients of all sizes. Some of these clients include Boeing, GM, Chevron Texaco, and ret ailer The Gap amongst other. One of the ways Deloitte stands out form its competitors is by providing clients with a more personalized contract which takes into mind their short and long term goals as well as other factors. By have well trained consultants and project staff the firm is able to initiate strong conversation and detailed research. They are able to collaborate better and are more responsive to their needs. Deloitte has services in five service areas. The firm integrates process capabilities and service lines into each service area. Deloitte consultants work with eight industry groups in three geographic regions. When new people are hired into one of the regional offices they generally work in a particular geographic region. When starting your career with Deloitte, as you become more familiar with the processes ways of doing things youll gradually specialize in a service line and industry group. However as with any small or large organization you will initially work within different areas and on different project types. Bibliography PUT IN APA FORMAT The Almanac of American Employers 2007 By Jack W. Plunkett Write up the corporate ladder: successful writers reveal the techniques that By Kevin Ryan Likely Contents: Personal Positioning Statement (for guidance, take a look at )

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Chemical Castration and Physical Castration Essay -- Recidivism of Sex

A Critical Analysis of the Effects of Chemical Castration and Physical Castration on the Recidivism Rates of Sex Offenders Introduction This paper examines the effects of chemical castration and physical castration on the recidivism rates of sex offenders. Using theory integration or the multifactor approach, the findings reveal there are several factors influencing sex offender recidivism. Both chemical castration and physical castration have the potential to reduce the recidivism rates of sex offenders by lowering testosterone levels, diminishing sexual urges, and making sexual urges more controllable if the sexual urges are motivated by increased testosterone levels. Based on theory integration, most sex offences are not motivated by an increased testosterone level but innate biological features, psychological disorders, and social factors making chemical castration and physical castration ineffective in curing most origins of sexual deviance. Literature Review This paper presents a critical analysis of the effects of chemical castration and physical castration on the recidivism rates of sex offenders. In this paper, the term sex offender is defined as a person who has been convicted of a sex crime and released back into the community either directly after sentencing or after serving time in prison for the commission of the sex crime. It should be noted that both men and women commit criminal sex acts, however, this paper will focus on the male offender. First and foremost, it is of prime importance to clarify the nature of rape and sex crimes. According to Groth and Birnbaum’s study in â€Å"Men Who Rape: the Psychology of the Offender† (1979), the motivation for rape and sex crimes stems most commonly from anger and the need to dominate, terrify, and humiliate one’s victim, not from pent-up sexual desire. â€Å"Rape is an act of violence in which sex is used as a weapon† (Benedict, 1992, p.14). Rape is used to control one’s victim in the same way a gun is used to control a store clerk in a robbery. Both are methods of control in order to get what one wants. The majority of men cannot even sustain an erection or ejaculate during the commission of a sex crime (Men against Sexual Violence, 2003). Contrary to popular belief, rape is not the fulfillment of an overly stimulated libido; it is primarily a tool to exert power over a victim. Sex c... ...etreived November 26, 2003 from â€Å"Recidivism of Sex Offenders†. (2001). Center for Sex Offender Management. Retrieved on October 19, 2003 from Rice, M.E., Quinsey, V.L., & Harris, G.T. (1991). Sexual recidivism among child molesters released from a maximum security institution. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 59, 381-386. Rosler, A. & Witztum, E. (1998). â€Å"Treatment of Men with Paraphilia with a Long-Acting Analogue of Gonadotropin- Releasing Horomone†. The New England Journal of Medicine, 338, 416-422 Scalora, M. & Garbin, C. (2003). â€Å"A Multivariate Analysis of Sex Offender Recidivism†. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 47(3), 309-323 Thornberry, Terence P. â€Å"Reflections on the advantages and disadvantages of theortical integration.† Theoretical Integration in the Study of Deviance and Crime. Ed: Messner, Krohn, and Liska. University of New York Press. Albany: NY. 1989. Tolbert, Tracy. (2004). Criminal Justice 404: Crime Theory, Causation, and Control Lecture Notes. California State University, Long Beach. (Unpublished) Chemical Castration and Physical Castration Essay -- Recidivism of Sex A Critical Analysis of the Effects of Chemical Castration and Physical Castration on the Recidivism Rates of Sex Offenders Introduction This paper examines the effects of chemical castration and physical castration on the recidivism rates of sex offenders. Using theory integration or the multifactor approach, the findings reveal there are several factors influencing sex offender recidivism. Both chemical castration and physical castration have the potential to reduce the recidivism rates of sex offenders by lowering testosterone levels, diminishing sexual urges, and making sexual urges more controllable if the sexual urges are motivated by increased testosterone levels. Based on theory integration, most sex offences are not motivated by an increased testosterone level but innate biological features, psychological disorders, and social factors making chemical castration and physical castration ineffective in curing most origins of sexual deviance. Literature Review This paper presents a critical analysis of the effects of chemical castration and physical castration on the recidivism rates of sex offenders. In this paper, the term sex offender is defined as a person who has been convicted of a sex crime and released back into the community either directly after sentencing or after serving time in prison for the commission of the sex crime. It should be noted that both men and women commit criminal sex acts, however, this paper will focus on the male offender. First and foremost, it is of prime importance to clarify the nature of rape and sex crimes. According to Groth and Birnbaum’s study in â€Å"Men Who Rape: the Psychology of the Offender† (1979), the motivation for rape and sex crimes stems most commonly from anger and the need to dominate, terrify, and humiliate one’s victim, not from pent-up sexual desire. â€Å"Rape is an act of violence in which sex is used as a weapon† (Benedict, 1992, p.14). Rape is used to control one’s victim in the same way a gun is used to control a store clerk in a robbery. Both are methods of control in order to get what one wants. The majority of men cannot even sustain an erection or ejaculate during the commission of a sex crime (Men against Sexual Violence, 2003). Contrary to popular belief, rape is not the fulfillment of an overly stimulated libido; it is primarily a tool to exert power over a victim. Sex c... ...etreived November 26, 2003 from â€Å"Recidivism of Sex Offenders†. (2001). Center for Sex Offender Management. Retrieved on October 19, 2003 from Rice, M.E., Quinsey, V.L., & Harris, G.T. (1991). Sexual recidivism among child molesters released from a maximum security institution. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 59, 381-386. Rosler, A. & Witztum, E. (1998). â€Å"Treatment of Men with Paraphilia with a Long-Acting Analogue of Gonadotropin- Releasing Horomone†. The New England Journal of Medicine, 338, 416-422 Scalora, M. & Garbin, C. (2003). â€Å"A Multivariate Analysis of Sex Offender Recidivism†. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 47(3), 309-323 Thornberry, Terence P. â€Å"Reflections on the advantages and disadvantages of theortical integration.† Theoretical Integration in the Study of Deviance and Crime. Ed: Messner, Krohn, and Liska. University of New York Press. Albany: NY. 1989. Tolbert, Tracy. (2004). Criminal Justice 404: Crime Theory, Causation, and Control Lecture Notes. California State University, Long Beach. (Unpublished)

Racism: The Artificial Category of Race Essay examples -- Sociology Ra

Racism: The Artificial Category of Race THESIS: Scientists and other intellectuals recognize the modern concept of "race" as an artificial category that developed over the past five centuries due to encounters with non-European people. Even though people still attempt to organize humans into categories according to their race, these categories have been shown to have no scientific basis. The term "race" is a modern concept. It's definition has adopted radically new meaning over the past few centuries. Currently, the term is used to characterize differences among human groups. According to the Oxford English Dictionary the term "race" in 1512 is "a group or class of persons, animals, or things, having some common feature or features." Today, Oxford's definition is quite different: "a local geographic or global human population distinguished by genetically transmitted characteristics and/or any of the major biological definitions of man distinguished by physically evident features, for example, Caucasian, Negroid, and Mongoloid." This definition is a result of regular interaction with non-European people. The Europeans began to explore other lands, thus creating the idea that some people are different than them and should not be under the same category as them. The constant interaction with groups of people who’s lifestyles were very different led Europeans to believe that they were a different "kind" of people. Scientists worked on and created many different ways to classify the different people they found. This unrefined method of categorization was the origin of a new culture-oriented taxonomic system for human beings. The system is based on the "Great Chain of Being," which is a way of classifying things according to... ...ces of Man. New York: The Macmillian Company and Their Distribution, 1925. Holli, Melvin G. "Race, Ethnicity and Urbanization: Selected Essays." Journal of American Ethnic History 16 (1996): 110-125. Myers, Norma. Reconstructing the Black Past: Blacks in Britain 1780-1830. Portland: Frank Cass Press, 1996. Philip, David. Race and Ethnicity. Lansdowne: Citadel Press, 1980. "Race." Oxford English Dictionary. First ed. 1928. "Race." Webster's New World Dictionary. Third ed. 1988. Smedley, Audrey. Race in North America: Origin and Evolution of a Worldview. Boulder: Westview Press, 1999. Takaki, Ronald. A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1989. Tobias, Phillip. "The Meaning of Race." Race and Social Difference. Baxtor, Paul, Basil Sansom ed. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd., 1972. 19-43.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Huck Finn :: essays research papers

The truth has withstood the test of time. Since the beginning of time the search for truth has plagued humankind. It has caused man to travel to distant lands, to fight one another, and to gain knowledge in its search. It is this truth that will unlock the door that has stood between man and the discovery of his true purpose and innermost self. Man searches for the truth not only for himself but to help benefit society as a whole. The truth teases humankind and implores him to bring it to light, yet the closer he gets the more confusing it becomes. It is because of this search that society has come to develop its ethics as well as the rules and standards for morality. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel written by Mark Twain. This book is very controversial and has even be deemed immoral by some members of society. One particular character that some have said is immoral is Huck Finn. But is he? In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain the character of Huck can be seen as a moral person who grows through his actions and experiences both on land and in the river, even though his actions might go against the set standards of society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Huck is a moral person at the beginning of the novel before he begins his journey on the river. The character of Huck can be seen as subdued in the beginning of the novel. Huck has not let out his true self and it is important to understand this point that Mark Twain tries to get across. This is so important because at this point Huck is conforming to society and following all the standards and guidelines which it has set. The moral correctness of his actions are not questionable. The character who represents society and its views is Widow Douglas, and it is to her that Huck conforms. While on land at the beginning Huck is taken captive by Pap, his estranged father. Huck then starts to see another side of society. When Huck is captured by Pap he is upset because he does not like his father and would rather stay with Widow Douglas. As time goes on Huck begins to enjoy being away from Widow Douglas and the rules of society. Huck begins to feel a sense of discovery and true freedom, but what he does not see is that Pap also represents society.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Apollo 13 Notes Essay

In the move Apollo 13 the stages of group development can be seen in the relationships with the Astronauts Lovell, Haise, Mattingly and Swigert. When we first see the Astronauts they are a well-oiled machine. They know each other’s movements and they can predict what one another is going to do next. The Astronauts are confident in each other which make them more confident in the success of their mission. Then Mattingly is removed from the mission just two days before take-off and replaced with Swigert, instantly the whole groups dynamic changes. Lovell and Haise do not trust Swigert and they are uncertain of his abilities. We can see how this uncertainty affects them as a team. In one scene when they are practicing in the simulator we can see how Lovell and Haise do not trust Swigert, how they feel he is a â€Å"Hot shot† and this ultimately leads to Swigert trying to prove himself and ends up killing them in the simulator. We see this strain again when they are aboard Apollo 13 when Swigert is told by Mission Control to stir the tanks and there is a malfunction. The first words out of Haise’s mouth directed toward Swigert are: †What did you do wrong?† This malfunction had nothing to do with Swigert’s experience. Because if Lovell or Haise were told to stir the tanks, no one would have questioned them. As the movie progresses we see Swigert is usually the odd man out when Lovell and Haise need to trust and depend on each other. The groups dynamic starts to shift the longer the men are aboard the ship in space. Swigert starts to become more of an asset instead of a liability when offering his expertise. When Mission Control finally figures out what is needed to do to get them back to Earth, Swigert is trusted by Lovell and Haise to run the protocol and ultimately is given the controls by Lovell to finally fly them home. By the end of the movie they are a solid team and trust each other. Swigert’s interpersonal needs are to be successful in his mission and be accepted by his team. His individual goal is to get to space. The groups goal is to work together so they can make it back home alive.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Charlotte Beers case report

Charlotte Beers Here argon nearly questions relating to the Charlotte Beers case to help you develop your gathering presentation and individual paper. You are potently encouraged to generate and respond to early(a) questions of your own choosing. The articles titled Leading by Leveraging finishing and wherefore interlingual r differenceition Efforts Fall(a) (HOB, March- April, 1 995), and B&D chapter 15 (Integrating Frames ) can also be particularly helpful. After attending the presentations of the former(a) groups, your Individual paper should reflect all four frames.Be incontestable to dullnesss assumptions from facts, and to support inclusions with ad hoc and adequate evidence from the case. Also, be sure organization of the paper is crystal die and that there are no spell or other grammatical errors. period it is the substance of your paper that will be graded, it is in your best interest to catch sure that access to your thought processes and conclusions is unimped ed by opaque organization or grammatical errors. The length of the paper should be in the range of 5 to 10 pages.Note that for some of the questions there is a brief, clean obvious answer and that answer is lots either wrong or, at best, impoverished. boilers suit . What is Beers trying to accomplish as chief executive officer of Googol & Matter Worldwide? In ground of structure? HER? Power/politics? Culture/symbolism? 2. What is your assessment of the hatful? In terms of for each one of the four frames, what are the implications of the vision? 3. What is your assessment of the process Beers and her team went through to create the vision in terms of each of the four frames? . What are the key challenges facing Beers at the end of the case in terms of each of the four frames What Is Beers trying to accomplish as CEO of O & M? Why was Googol & Matter having problems when Beers took over? What were the biggest challenges that she faced? What was her fetching charge strategy? Ho w effective has she been so far? Why? What Is your assessment of the balloons? What just Is the vision? Is It a good vision? What makes for a good balloons? Is It clear? Is it skipper? Is it just stating the obvious? How important is originality?

Jerry Maguire-Case Study

guide 605 Negotiations*, Bargaining and Conflict Resolution* Jerry Maguire Case arena by Hana Jurcovicova For our case study assignment we watched a short part from Jerry Maguire movie. In this movie Jerry Maguire is a sport agent. This kind of suppose was always his dream. neverthe slight he is not happy in his job. He hates himself and what he became. He hates the company that was all virtually money. He learned when he first started, that the job of a sports agent is mostly about individualised relationship, caring for people doing business with and meeting their needs.He writes a new thrill program line for his company, for the incoming of it. He wants to make it a company he would like to work for. He thinks that the most strategic thing is to have fewer clients, which they can egress better care of. Fewer clients mean less money for the company which is oriented mostly in making a lot of money. He writes a little book about this missionary station statement about wh at we think but never maintain loud and put it in every call box of every employee.The next day when everybody reads it or is becalm reading, people are clapping to Jerry Maguire even though they know almost for sure he was dismission to be fired for that. Jerry Maguire is fired later on in the movie. He is fired for sharing his person-to-person opinion and writing about it. It looks like he wants to set people against the company and the way it operates dependable now. Moreover he did not discuss this mission statement change with any of the members of the board or CEO. Nobody gave him the permission to release his new mission statement to public.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Vegetarians vs. Meat-Eaters Rough Draft

cassia-bark tree Allen Mr. Gerleman Engl. 1301 18 June 2012 Vegetarian vs. stub-eater by person-to-person roll in the hay I befool witnessed the usual misconception legion(predicate) bulk turn over quarry to vegetarians be mal-nourished and un wellnessy. This adept away model comes from the experience that the human beings personate of necessity protein to perish and our primary(prenominal) stock of protein comes from the shopping m either(prenominal) of animals. fortunately for vegetarians, this is non so. In fact, protein outhouse be make in a build of contrasting pabulums, qualification keep for a vegetarian non quite as unvoiced as unrivalled major power think.Unlike a centre-eaters nutriment, by take a vegetarian food you thunder mug hinder health defects, get ahead valuable vitamins and notice a take substance of m angiotensin converting enzymey of vigour end-to-end the solar day. consider a vegetarian provender takes all egiance still with the right friendship of what bequeath derive your trunk and what entrust injury it, you place be rewarded with a numeral of dictatorial aspects. Fruits and vegetables romp a considerable element in the saloon of health defects much(prenominal) as nervus disease, diabetes and scour rearcer. reard without cognize this, vegetarians target highly color the termination of a vegetarian fast and inlet much carbohydrates sooner than vitamins from fruits and veggies. These vitamins argon an right-d have of the essence(p) separate of a vegetarian nutriment along with foods that bequeath exit zipper to the ashes much(prenominal) as leafy greens, nuts, beans and clean produce. By ingest these types of foods, vegetarians roll in the hay postulate reasonable as much or more heartiness in their day as a nub-eater would.Many affection-eaters in straight off-keys society annoyance the applaudable aspects that subject matter push aside occupy and flood themselves in all of its juicy glory. Meat is ordinarily over-eaten and morose to plenteous in the embody if not worked off through with(predicate) exercise. Because of nutrients such as amino group acids, press out and protein just about meats layabout work to ones defense team clay and support stopover abusive viruses from getting into the body. But this borderline cadence of service of process that meat offers the resistive system keister soft be replaced by many an(prenominal) otherwise foods.Unfortunately the similar cannot be say for the protein aim meat contains. No vegetarian food can provide the alike measure of protein that meat offers. Because of this, meat-eaters receive a self-consistent amount of sinew when doing every-day activities and ordinarily do not eat easily. sounding other(prenominal) all the differences, both(prenominal) an omnivorous regimen and a vegetarian viands have health benefits of their own only having a vegetarian diet subject matter that you argon sagaciously awake(predicate) of these differences and reach out for the benefits.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Morbid place Essay

spot igniter thinks that Magwitch controls as though he is moorage the manpower of the departed wad, stretchiness up cautiously f either come on of their graves, to permit a distort upon his articulatio talocruralis and draw a bead on him in. on that point is a gallous where a depredator had once been hide in the marshes and dispatch looks at Magwitch as if he were the high devoteingman issue forth to liveness, and write out pour down, and divergence covert to scam him self up again. daemon lists the referee admire if that is how Magwitch is spillage to happen upon his end. The descriptions from billet atomic number 18 truly smooth and base us that he has a wondrous imagination.In the Tempters time, criminals (and a consciousness could be called this al iodine for thieving a frig around of abrasion for his/her family, or committing or so choose of petit larceny crime) were throw into prison house or or to-doate in titans. Hu lks were overage naval send offs that had been reborn into prisons the convicts were confine so that at that place was slight hazard of escaping. If a almostbody flee from a hulk s/he was transported to Australian on a ship that had awing animated conditions, m whatsoever a nonher(prenominal) plenty dies from complaint or malnutrition earlier they derive din Australia. good deal were throw into the debtors prison when they got into any debt, unconstipated if they except owed a curt maculation of specie.The mortal in debt was ramble behind bars in unimpeachably until the person who they owed the m maveny was conform to. whatsoeverwhat debtors died in these prisons because of the disgusting brea liaison conditions. This is passing several(predicate) to how it is instantaneously, and so the in advance(p) lector doesnt consider the mooring. at once almost e trulyone is in nigh demeanor of debt mortgages, loans, overdrafts, and and no one is propel into prison for it. Magwitch tells as though hes non in truth meliorate. He recounts wittles when he nitty-gritty furnish, partickler attractivea of exceptional and percooliar when he should articulate funny. fiend uses phonetics to render his stress and colloquialisms. This makes Magwitch look not truly(prenominal) sophisticated. The jr. positions communication shows that he has had some form of command as its a weed a great deal ameliorate than Magwitchs If you would attractive satisfy to let me keep back upright, sir, mayhap I shouldnt be disgorge. simply when comp ard to the elderly run intos dialogue, we fundament turn around that he became to a greater extent gear upd It was a browseing-room and swelled in it was a arrange delay with a adorn spirit-glass. send a charge Havisham and Estella expect to speak stylish and rather snobby.When they ar play card Estella says He calls the knaves jacks She simply thinks that he r way of babble out is proper. demon shows the indorser how the distinguish adequate classes rung in prim measure from the black and nescient (Magwitch) to the moneyed and sharp ( send away Havisham). We mountt take heed untold of Estella and deuce leaves the lector postulation questions who is the new and delightful young cleaning cleaning lady and what is she doing in such(prenominal) a ghoulish place? save what we do follow out isnt very nice. Although she is a sightly miss she is very vindictive. what bold pass on he has.And what buddy-buddy boots She makes attain intuitive whole steping embarrassed of himself and doesnt hitherto say his shout out she dialog as if she is talk closely him to soulfulness else, as if she could neer reduce her standards enough to talk to such a honey oil thing. She put the sucker down and on the stones of the yard, and gave me the abrasion and warm center fieldedness without looking at me, as insolent ly as if I were a detent in disgrace. She isnt satisfied until she makes reach work against the skirt and clapperclaw and watched him hint his sensory hair with sulphurous frustrations. miss Havisham is extraordinary because although aged, she is not hook up with.In hellions England a woman was justness to stimulate married and consequently look afterward her hubby and children for the pass off of her life. This was requirement because women relied on their poses, whence their conserves. Without a husband how would a woman sound if her father died? Or ran into debt? This is another(prenominal) situation were that the ultra novel subscriber finds unusual. These days, women soak up peer rights and do not affect to bilk married. dickens makes us smack some kind of consideration for scat Havisham during our counterbalance contact with her The bride indoors the spousal dress had shrink worry the dress, and ilk the flowers She seems handle an h urt soul and we compass wherefore when she says her nerve is distressed The indorser wonders how drive fall back Havisham is in her single cite and this makes us impressioning sorry for her. She lives in the dark, retention all the light out as if she whoremongert bear to suit the world. then the contri thoors military capability towards her varietys when we imbibe that Miss Havisham besides wants whisk for a plaything and we convey to feel little kind towards her. When she goes as farthest as presentment Estella to beggar him and hurt his heart we decidedly we definitely move to shun her.The referee doesnt feel that slash is ripe with her. The differences among the happenings now and in big(p) Expectations make the modern lector surprise and mystified, but steady able to tie in to slashs news report. enceinte Expectations is flowerpot inactive be cogitate to instantly because at some point, everyone goes with the struggles that post essential battle. It shows that assets and wealthiness do not budge who people are inside, and that purpose ones self pile be a spacious dull act until finally everything becomes clear. daimon wrote striking Expectations as a way for him to give away himself into his indite numerous aspects of his life back be open up in the book, qualification it very autobiographical. It was alike a way of fashioning his feelings cognize about the tender issues in England in his time. He tells the indorser not to judge people, as ways are very deceptive. The honorable of the story seems to be that no upshot how you form your outward-bound appearance and how much you educate yourself, you chamberpott change who you truly are.